Jic Jac Soda Company

Jic Jac Soda 9″ Button Advertising Sign

Jic Jac was a soda company that started in the early 1950s (incorporated in February of 1953) out of St Louis, Missouri and came in a variety of flavors. This 9” diameter celluloid button display was manufactured by Philadelphia Badge Company (est. 1900) sometime in the 1950s. ⠀

These celluloid displays were pretty much discontinued by the end of the 50s due to their problems… they would become discolored and deteriorate easily, the would turn yellow after being exposed to bright lights and melt when exposed to high temperatures.

Jic Jac closed production in 1975, but you can still see the Streamlined Moderne / Art Deco building where Jic Jac was located on South Kingshighway in St. Louis, MO. ⠀
This large 9-in button is in fantastic shape and we were really glad to snag it.

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